Stress can have an enormous effect on the body and mind, and right now there are a lot of stressful things happening. Many, many people are stuck at home, dealing with financial problems, and trying to teach their kids every day.
Whether you’re a busy mom, running a business from home or just trying to pass your college finals, you need a break. Stress can cause skin problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety, and depression. So don’t be afraid to take me-day, whether that means taking a motorcycling trip or whipping up a few simple DIY spa day recipes, and relax.
Learn how to plan the perfect spa day to relax and pamper yourself below.

How to Have the Perfect Spa Day

Make a Plan
Before you run into your sound proof glass shower, start by taking the time to actually plan out your day and figure out what you want to do. A spa day can be a great bonding experience between moms and both little and teenage girls, as well as between sisters. Boys may even want in on the fun too. Whether it’s “Mom’s Day Off” or a whole family event, start by working out what you want to do.
Since most spa activities are ageless, you don’t have to worry about making up different activities for younger girls. A spa day can also be a great way to give your girls some education they won’t get in school by talking about hygiene, body care, and self-esteem all while having fun. Just be careful with nail polish, nail polish remover, and store-bought masks you’re planning on using as these can be harmful to kids’ skin. You may want to make some DIY spa day recipes that are all-natural and perfect for anyone’s skin as well.
Write down the kinds of things you want to do in a notebook then create a plan for how you want to do it and in what order. Remember that nail polish should be last and that you’ll want something to do while masks and mud are doing the dirty work.

Mix It Up
Once you know what you’re doing, you can start making everything you’ll need for fabulous your day. The best part is with DIY spa day recipes you don’t even have to leave your kitchen to mix some great spa treatments.
For your face, mix honey, avocado, and apple cider vinegar together until relatively smooth. Avocado oil is very moisturizing while honey is a natural skin cleanser. The vinegar helps balance the PH of your skin and provides toning. It’s also complete;y editable but probably not very tasty.
If you don’t have avocado, use oatmeal blended with hot water to make it smooth. For more exfoliating power, try coconut oil, cucumber, mint, and sugar. It will exfoliate and hydrate, plus if you mix enough you can scrub down your whole body with it. Remember, you can add essential oils to any of these masks to help with relaxation.
The best DIY spa day recipes for your hair are hair masks. Stress can have a very damaging effect on your hair growth and can even lead to premature balding and hair loss.
If you have very dry or damaged hair, apply coconut or olive oil and let sit up 24 hrs ina shower cap before rinsing. For hydration and to help with damage try combining avocado, olive oil, honey, and coconut milk in a blender. Put in for half an hour and then wash your hair normally and you’ll be amazed at the results.
If you have dandruff you make a spray with water, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and crushed aspirin. Put it in a spray bottle, apply liberally and let sit half an hour before rinsing and washing normally.
Be careful if you have hearing aids or other ear/hearing problems not to get anything in your ears, as trapped sugars and food substances can cause infections. Ask your Ear/nose/throat doctor or audiologist for any tips on ear safety if you’re worried.
For your body, the best scrub is made with nothing but salt or sugar, coconut/olive oil, and your favorite essential oil. You can add honey to moisturize if you would like. Follow up with your favorite lotion. If you want a soothing foot soak, add salt and peppermint oil to hot water for nice oak that leaves your skin tingling then follow up with the exfoliator for smooth feet.
There are many more DIY spa day recipes but be wary. Avoid scrubs that use coffee grounds, whole oats, and nutshells or you may need a plumber because they don’t dissolve in water. Avoid using lemon or other citrus juice on your face as they can be irritating. If you have any skin conditions be careful and test out these recipes in small amounts before applying them everywhere.
You also don’t want to substitute just any cooking oils for coconut or olive oil in DIY spa day recipes. If you need to switch, find another carrier oil, like almond, jojoba, or canola, but avoid using generic vegetable oil. In fact, you probably should try other oils because everyone’s hair and skin are different and will react to different oils differently.

Spa Zone
You don’t need to get a master bathroom renovation to turn it into a nice spa-like environment. First, spend some time cleaning up the bathroom you plan on using as well as any other area you plan to be in. Once everything is clean and tidy, find your favorite candles, and towels and set them out.
Put up signs and speak to family members about what will happening the next day so you can settle anything. You also want to make sure you won’t be bothered. Mix up a smoothie or infused water to drink during your spa day, or find your favorite wine. You want to be relaxing so make sure you won’t have to worry about anything when you settle for spa day.
If you tend to keep the heating the house on the colder side, turn up to your ideal climate. You want to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible. You also may want to get a clean a loofa or back brush to help with exfoliating.

Head to the “Spa”
Step one in having a perfect spa day is to make sure your towels are warm. Warm towels are a staple of spas everywhere. You can achieve this by tossing them in the dryer for a while. You should also warm up some damp handtowels to use to remove your facemask. Then light your candles or dim the lights. Put on some relaxing music that you enjoy.
Start by applying your hair mask as it will have to sit the longest. Then add your facemask. Make sure you have something to watch or do while you let these sit for up to an hour. You can enjoy snacks like cheese and crackers, and your wine or another drink while you’re waiting.
Once you’re ready, fill up the tub and take a long soak or take en extra long hot shower. Use an exfoliator to scrub away all that dead skin then when you’re finished apply your favorite moisturizer.
At this point you can give yourself manicure/pedicure or have someone help you. Then sit back and relax. If you can, use a massage roller to help relieve muscle tension. Or just ask someone to rub your back and shoulders. The take a long luxurious nap or simply lounge and watch your favorite film or tv show.
A homemade spa day doesn’t have to expensive or difficult. Just remember to relax and enjoy yourself. Stress is good for no one and can be harmful to your mental and physical health. Learn to take time for yourself despite the craziness going on in your life.
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